Atom™ – Texturen III

Client: No. (Record Label)
Product: Texturen III (Music Press Release)

Atom™ returns to the home of No. Ware with the IIIrd (3rd) chapter of his Texturen series, continuing in the tradition of a long form singular 54 minute slice of audio output picking up where he left off with No. 912 – Texturen II. 

Designed to inhabit the infinite space of your mind. 

The music is at once familiar and feels at home as another Texturen chapter, yet Atom™ massages his own mould and pushes things further into your future, resulting in an album that goes light years beyond what might lazily be labelled as “drone” or “ambient” as it weaves and winds through landscapes of the mind that touch on all points of an emotional spectrum from caustic to convivial all with the inimitable standard of production and mathematical superiority we’ve come to expect from the Atom™. 

Like staring at a Super Nova at point blank range for a thousand years…
With your ears

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